• Migrant Protection and Assistance - Ensuring the adequate protection of the human rights of all migrants is at the heart of migration management. IOM works with government and civil society partners to assist migrants in need, including stranded migrants, victims of trafficking, migrant children, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, internally displaced persons, migrants caught in crisis and more.
  • Labour Mobility and Human Development - IOM strives to protect migrant workers and to optimize the benefits of labour migration for the countries of origin and destination, as well as for the migrants themselves. This area of work includes offering policy and technical advice; promoting safe labour migration practices; facilitating ethical recruitment of workers; and promoting integration of labour migrations.
  • Immigration and Border Management - In line with the commitment to facilitate safe and orderly migration, IOM supports the Government of The Gambia in improving the policy, legislation, operational systems, human resources and administrative and technical structures required to respond more effectively to diverse migration and border management challenges.
  • Migration Health - Bridging the needs of both migrants and communities, IOM contributes towards the physical, mental and social wellbeing of migrants, enabling them and host communities to achieve social and economic development. This involves delivering and promoting comprehensive, preventive and curative health programmes beneficial, accessible, and equitable for migrants.
  • Communication for Development - A key part of promoting safe migration is equipping potential Gambian migrants with the necessary information to make informed migratory decisions. IOM uses the Communication for Development (C4D) approach to design and implement behavior change campaigns, focusing on the risk of irregular migration; livelihood and safe migration alternatives; human trafficking; and more.
  • Migration, Environment and Climate Change - IOM recognizes the need to address human mobility challenges associated with climate change. Environmental factors must be integrated across all areas of migration, including prevention, preparedness and response to displacement, border management, labour migration and return and reintegration.